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The OpenFIRE Lightgun project was created to allow lightgun enthusiasts to make their own lightgun that works on modern flat screen displays at the lowest cost possible while having the flexibility of customizing the firmware to the needs of the maker. While there are a number of individuals on the OpenFIRE Team, three in particular are responsible for making OpenFIRE firmware a reality:
- Samuel Ballantyne, for his original SAMCO project and perspective-based tracking system
- Prow7, for his enhanced SAMCO fork which provided the basis of pause mode and saving subsystems
- That One Seong, for taking the work of his predecessors to a whole new level Click here to Donate
Please consider making a donation to any or all of the above individuals to show your appreciation. Without all of their hard work and passion, OpenFIRE would never have come to fruition.
In addition to making a donation, you can show your support by purchasing products created by OpenFIRE team members here: