The Open Four Infa-Red Emitter Light Gun System
OpenFIRE Lightgun is a feature rich open source firmware to allow lightgun enthusiasts to build their own lightgun that will work on modern flat screen displays. OpenFIRE uses small infrared LEDs mounted to the perimeter of your display arranged in a rectangle pattern with two on top and two on bottom (dual sensor bar) or a diamond pattern (one at the middle of each side). An infrared detecting camera mounted inside the lightgun is used to track the the position of the infrared LEDs to aim your lightgun.
OpenFIRE firmware is software that is programmed onto a microcontroller circuit board inside your lightgun. When the trigger is pulled or a button pressed, the firmware sends the appropriate command to your emulator via USB or Bluetooth. The firmware also controls feedbacks such as a solenoid, ruble motor or RGB LEDs to enhance your gaming experience.
The OpenFIRE App/GUI is software that runs on your Windows or Linux computer and is used to configure and test your OpenFIRE lightgun.
Click here to view the Enclosed Instruction Book.